Place Value – Greatest & Smallest Numbers – Grade/Class 4

  1. The greatest 4 digit number without repeating the digits is __________________________________
  2. The greatest 4 digit number with repeating the digits is ___________________________
  3. The smallest 4 digit number without repeating the digits is _____________________________
  4. The smallest 4 digit number with repeating the digits is ________________________
  5. The smallest 6 digit number made from digits 7,1,9,0 is ______________________________
  6. The greatest 6 digit number made by 7,1,9,0 is ______________________________
  7. 1 less than the smallest 5 digit number is ____________________________
  8. 1 more than the greatest 5 digit number is ____________________________
  9. 1 less than greatest 6 digit number without repeating the digits is __________________________________
  10. 1 more than smallest 6 digit number without repeating the digits is __________________________________
  11. Write the greatest and the smallest numbers using the digits 1, 0, 3, 5, 9
5 digit number________________________________________________
6 digit number________________________________________________
7 digit number________________________________________________

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